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Sunday is for our Dads
2 months ago
Sunday is for our Dads

With Spring well and truly upon us, this Sunday will be a great celebratory day inside and out, for young and old, with our dads. 


The day will be marked with barbeques, coffees, gatherings, beers, selfies, presents, plenty of happy moments and much more.  So give your dad a hug and high five, as well as a big thank you for being there and for just being dad!  And for the grandfathers, a double high-five for being there a second time round for the younger children in the family!

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Sunday is for our Dads
Sunday is for our Dads
29 August 2024

With Spring well and truly upon us, this Sunday will be a great celebratory day inside and out, for young and old, with our dads. 


The day will be marked with barbeques, coffees, gatherings, beers, selfies, presents, plenty of happy moments and much more.  So give your dad a hug and high five, as well as a big thank you for being there and for just being dad!  And for the grandfathers, a double high-five for being there a second time round for the younger children in the family!

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Sunday is for our Dads
29 August 2024

With Spring well and truly upon us, this Sunday will be a great celebratory day inside and out, for young and old, with our dads. 


The day will be marked with barbeques, coffees, gatherings, beers, selfies, presents, plenty of happy moments and much more.  So give your dad a hug and high five, as well as a big thank you for being there and for just being dad!  And for the grandfathers, a double high-five for being there a second time round for the younger children in the family!